22 April 2012

Big questions

 Racing....so when does it began to be fun? Or no longer fun. When does it become an addiction? 
 Take a 6 year old boy racing in a 6-8 year old cross country race. Coming in last place and not even realizing it. Then saying, "daddy, can we still ride some more". Thomas and me, (with Gavin in tow) rode the kids race coarse for an additional hour and a half. With a small break in between to watch some of the "big boys race". We did many, many repeats of the single track section. Over and over, picking better lines each time. "Daddy, I was 5 seconds faster that time, I bet I can do it faster" Is that addiction or is that having fun. 
 Addiction is when something consumes your life, by that I mean dictates your life style. Or is that just your idea of having fun? Is it fun when you win every thing you do. Is it no longer fun when you stop winning? What if you've never won and you still race. Is that having fun or an addiction? Is it still fun or addiction when you secretly wish your friends have a bad race (one that your also participating in). Or is that just something all together different. What about cheering for everyone? No matter who they are. Is that having fun, is that just enjoying life?...I think so. 
 We should all take a lesson from the children around us. Enjoy the moment. Take in the day fully, let the fresh air expand our lungs and celebrate life. 
 So lets set a good example, and show that you can have fun with a healthy addiction. Be good to each other, appreciate and respect strengths and weaknesses. Kids learn bad behavior and pour sportsmanship from their parents. Its not a natural trait of children. There is a difference between being competitive, and being selfish and...well just not nice. 
 Remember, KARMA is always watching....later

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